namscae Gründering Carina Schulte
Hi, I am Carina 👋

I want to change our
narrative of success.

I don't believe we can only become successful by hustling and neglecting our individual (mental) health & well-being. I believe we can do both: be successful & healthy. All we need for that, is to change the paradigm.
Our perspective on what is possible.

Carina Schulte

I am a business psychologist, a yoga teacher, an agile learning expert, a community builder, a psychology student, an event manager, a branding specialist

- but hang on -

there is another side to this.

If you are looking for my credentials and certificates, I’ll probably have to invite you to check out my LinkedIn rather than this page. 

However, if you rather want to know who I am and what motivates me, I'd say:


I believe most of us have experienced certain key moments or events in our past that influenced our path.

For me, there were two that have shaped the person that I am today:

1. Watching my very intelligent brother fail in school because the education system focused too much on performance.

2. Working with several CEOs and/or leaders who were blind to their own corporate culture and the influence they have on it.

These very personal experiences have made me someone who is deeply interested in psychology, someone who believes we need to shift our culture from performance- to learning-oriented, and someone who advocates for educational changes toward future skills, mindset, and enabling a new generation of leaders.

I want to change the narrative of success, because I believe our future leaders should be humans first

However, I am quite aware that I cannot do this alone. That it’ll be a collective effort.

That is why I am advocating in these ways today:

1. The Human Mind: I bring my psychological perspective to the table, enabling introspection, self-reflection, and any mind hack that supports others in becoming more aware and making their mental strength their superpower on the path to success.

2. Change Community: I want to create safe spaces for the open and vulnerable growth of individuals who are passionate, action-oriented, and have a clear vision of rewriting what we today call success.

3. Personal Journeys First: I believe that corporate cultures are always influenced from the top. If you start building a "corporate culture" with yourself, it will influence your surroundings! So, let's start with ourselves.

If what I wrote resonates with you in any way—because you want to work with me, you want to become part of this community, or because you want to address your own challenges—just let me know.

I am here for you.

6 Things
about me

Visionary by Heart

I believe that our society is in need of an update. We have to become more human- and planet-centric and I trust, that this change starts with ourselves.

Psychology Nerd

What began with a personal interest has led me to my Master's in Business Psychology. And currently I am deepening my knowledge in the field of cognitive psychology.

Nerd in General

I may not look like it, but if you invite me for a 7 hour Dungeons & Dragons session I won't say No.

Yoga Student

I've been taught that you are a livelong student and only if others start calling you a "teacher", you finally become one.

ADHD Wizard

Yes, I am one of the women that found out in her late 20's that her unique strengths and weaknesses are there for a reason. I love my brain for being different, and I am learning more day-by-day.

Extroverted Introvert

Even though I am confident in public settings and love to hold spaces for others, I only truly recharge my batteries when I have time to myself.

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