I want to change our
narrative of success.
I don't believe we can only become successful by hustling and neglecting our individual (mental) health & well-being. I believe we can do both: be successful & healthy. All we need for that, is to change the paradigm.
Our perspective on what is possible.

6 Things
about me
Visionary by Heart
I believe that our society is in need of an update. We have to become more human- and planet-centric and I trust, that this change starts with ourselves.

Psychology Nerd
What began with a personal interest has led me to my Master's in Business Psychology. And currently I am deepening my knowledge in the field of cognitive psychology.
Nerd in General
I may not look like it, but if you invite me for a 7 hour Dungeons & Dragons session I won't say No.
Yoga Student
I've been taught that you are a livelong student and only if others start calling you a "teacher", you finally become one.
ADHD Wizard
Yes, I am one of the women that found out in her late 20's that her unique strengths and weaknesses are there for a reason. I love my brain for being different, and I am learning more day-by-day.
Extroverted Introvert
Even though I am confident in public settings and love to hold spaces for others, I only truly recharge my batteries when I have time to myself.