Mindful Gatherings

My programs blend insights from yoga with practical, science-based strategies from psychology. They are meant to be the fundament for your sustained personal and professional growth.

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I aim to support the shift toward more human-centric work cultures by empowering you to lead the change, beginning with yourself.

Strengthen your mindset

Understand and harness your own strengths and vulnerabilities and start to unlearn the things blocking your way to success.

Learn to trust the process

Explore and embrace the inner confidence that will help you remain calm through the highs and lows of your journey.

Yoga mats and meditation cushions from a namascae retreat
The pool in a 4 star bio hotel in Spain


Our programs are all about a warm and supportive environment—a safe space that nurtures collective growth. This psychological safety is key to thriving through vulnerability.

Radical Honesty

Embrace a culture of openness that is key for unlocking deep insights and creating authentic connections.

Cultivating Kindness

Experience how kindness in leadership builds the foundation for a compassionate community.

What Others Say

about working with me

When I think about Carina's workshop, the words "inspiring," "motivating," and "the ability to take the broader view" come to mind. The experience was genuinely enjoyable due to her commitment to the development of each participant and her approachable demeanor. She gave me a well-organized plan and insightful advice that I could use right away.
Tobias, Customer of namascae

Tobias Brinkel


Carina was incredibly helpful for my team and I from the earliest phases of developing our wellbeing startup DanceBreak. Her ability to be supportive while challenging us to dig deep into our original motivation, facilitated us in making critical steps towards redefining our company vision and mission. Her cheerful, highly-organized. and insightful nature provided great benefits to our team.
Jason, customer of namscae

Jason Jacobs

Founder, DanceBreak

Carina's guidance has not only advanced our founding team but has also personally impressed and inspired me. Her empathetic nature and her calm, yet purposeful approach have helped me to better reflect on myself and to recognize my strengths and weaknesses more clearly. Through her support, we as a team have learned to effectively use our different skills and perspectives to collectively achieve our goal.
Jasmin, Founder, MindUp

Jasmin Urban

Founder, MindUp

Oftentimes, founders are focused on providing a solution while losing track of the intended customer and his/ her needs. Carina’s workshops have been instrumental for early-stage startups to determine their “why”, understand their true value proposition and how to integrate that into communication in a clear and consistent way across various touch points.
gowthan, customer of namascae

Gowtham Athem

Startup Manager, Frankfurt School Entrepreneurship Centre

I particularly enjoyed working with carina for the following reasons: she’s very competent, she is an agile worker and she is definitely passionate about her job. She’s focused but yet enthusiastic! Moreover, she bears a very good combination of hard and soft skills, which makes her someone you definitely want to work with.
Francesca, customer of namascae

Francesca Paganelli


Become Inspired

Impressions Of The Next Retreat

Yoga mats and meditation cushions from a namascae retreat
Meditation utensils
An image of a4 star bio hotel in Spain through a door
An image of a room in a 4 star bio hotel in Spain
A bed in a 4 star bio hotel in Spain for a retreat

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact me if you are missing something.

Are you offering any discounts?

Yes, we have two discounts available: We offer an Early Bird Discount of 10%, available until 5 months before the event. If you're on the waitlist, you'll receive a permanent 5% discount on all programs and retreats. Add yourself to the waitlist here: https://tally.so/r/npKgNJ

Why do I have to apply?

We want to bring together like-minded people and have decided to host a small group of up to 15 participants. We believe in the power of collective growth, but also want to ensure enough intimacy to foster vulnerability and deep connections among the participants. That's why we'd like to know a bit about who you are and what motivates you to join our retreat. Additionally, it's helpful for us to match you with the right roommate.

What can I do if I don't feel comfortable sharing my room with a person I don't know?

First of all, we totally understand. The most comfortable (but also pricy) solution is to book a room for yourself. Let us know if you're interested, and we'll discuss this option with you. However, we also want to ensure you feel safe, which is why we've decided to do introductory video calls before the program starts. This way, you'll have the chance to get to know your roommate before meeting them in person.

Are the retreats in English or German?

We mainly offer our programs in English. However, sometimes our hosts are more comfortable guiding in German, so we'll focus on that language instead. You can filter the list accordingly or find out directly on the program page. If the information is only in German, the program won't be available in English. Otherwise, you can be sure it's accessible for internationals as well!

In which way are you different from other retreats?

There are two key aspects that we want to do differently: Science-Based Insights: We provide you with science-based insights into why and how certain methods and tools work because we believe that understanding is the first step toward integration. If you only know what to do, but not why you should do it, you're less likely to put in the effort. That's why we're taking a different approach, offering a deeper understanding that empowers you to make meaningful changes. Integration Workshops: Our integration workshops ensure you take the first steps even before you return home. We will guide you through preparing your personalized self-care plan so that you’re more likely to incorporate your new knowledge into your daily life. Instead of just retreating, you'll have a clear plan to maintain the positive changes you've made.